
Peach is a widely adored delicious juicy fruit. Peaches are a rich source of vitamins, minerals, antioxidant and other chemical contents. This fruit looks like an apple in shape measuring about 7-10 cm in diameter and about 130g in weight. It is naturally juicy and sweet with a lovely aroma.
from Brazil, Greece


This product is available all year round.


Average per 100g*
  • Calories39
  • Total Fat0g
  • Saturated Fat0g
  • Cholesterol0mg
  • Sodium0mg
  • Total Carbohydrate10g
  • Dietary Fiber1g
  • Sugars8g
  • Protein1g
*Nutrient data for this listing was provided by USDA SR-21.



Fresh fruits should be stored in a cool place to make them keep for longer. Generally it is good not to place them in the fridge.

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