Our frozen fish is quickly frozen at its peak freshness and the consumer can now find a wide choice of top-quality and wholesome seafood in the freezer case. When properly thawed, frozen fish is comparable to fish that was never frozen. Both exhibit the qualities of freshness described previously.
Current advice from the government and health organizations recommends eating two seafood meals each week. Scientists from government and universities, and healthcare professionals have all concluded that for most people the overall benefits of this level of seafood consumption outweigh potential food safety risks.
from India, Holland, UAE, New Zealand Availability
This product is available all year round.

Average per 100g*- TypesWhiteOily
- Calories134205
- Total Fat6g14g
- Saturated Fat1g3g
- Cholesterol60mg70mg
- Sodium51mg90mg
- Total Carbohydrate0g0g
- Dietary Fiber0g0g
- Sugars0g0g
- Protein19g19g

Frozen goods should be stored in the freezer. If you intend to store them for more than a month an appropriate temperature would be -12℃. Frozen goods should be kept in the refrigerator for 24 hours at most.