
Everyone recognizes a roasted coffee bean but unless you have lived or travelled in a coffee growing country, you might not recognize an actual coffee tree. Pruned short in cultivation, but capable of growing more than 30 feet high, a coffee tree is covered with dark-green, waxy leaves growing opposite each other in pairs.
Coffee cherries grow along the tree's branches. It takes nearly a year for a cherry to mature after the flowering of the fragrant, white blossoms. Because it grows in a continuous cycle, it is not unusual to see flowers, green fruit and ripe fruit simultaneously on a single tree.
from Brazil


This product is available all year round.


Average per 100g*
  • Calories241
  • Total Fat0g
  • Saturated Fat0g
  • Cholesterol0mg
  • Sodium37mg
  • Total Carbohydrate41g
  • Dietary Fiber0g
  • Sugars0g
  • Protein12g
*Nutrient data for this listing was provided by USDA SR-21.



The best temperature to store grains is 4,44℃ (40℉) or below.

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