
Current Opportunities

Landsteps is currently hiring in the fields of Marketing and Sales.

All candidates can send us their cvs at We treat all the cvs with high confidentiality.

Why Join Us


Landsteps is a company that inspires and encourages individuals to attain their full ability and capacity. As an employee in Landsteps, you have the opportunity to work in your area of expertise or make an attempt to a zone that you are interested in whether that be sales, marketing, finance, product management, or IT.

Nothing is accomplished without accountable, capable and skilled people. We price development, growth and progress of our people, our business and our society. Like our superior products, our high-class and enjoyable working environment offers exactly what you need to be challenged, promoted and rewarded.

We aspire to develop some remarkable assets; a highly respected brand, a strong position in our main marketplaces but most important of all; talented, motivated and well trained employees. Individuals with real desire, passion, energy, excitement and enthusiasm.

At Landsteps, we aim to shape a company where a usual person achieves remarkable results. Working collectively as a group, we create wonderful ideas and succeed extraordinary outcomes beyond our distinct abilities.

In Landsteps, we are particularly enthusiastic about the “Win-Win” value. We pursue to establish a working environment in which our personnel can fully expand and develop their talents, abilities and skills while actively participating, promoting, and contributing to the company’s performance. Come & Join Us…

Landsteps tips for success

If you want to submit your resume to Landsteps or have been selected to participate in the interview process, we’ve compiled a few tips to assist you on the road to success.

CV tips


A Curriculum Vitae is a self-marketing tool and getting an interview can depend on how good your CV is. Your CV is your chance to show an employer you have the skills and experience needed, and that you are the right person for the job. However, the way you present your CV can have an overwhelming influence over whether your CV is even read, let alone get you that all important interview. You will need to consider what to include, how much detail is needed and how to make your CV stand out from all the others.


  • Construct your CV with Landsteps in mind. Look at the job advert or specification and think about what the job involves, and what we need. Find out about our main activities.
  • Tailor your CV to the job. Your CV shouldn’t be your life story but should be tailored for the job you’re applying for, focusing on the parts that are important for that particular job.
  • Make your CV clear, neat and tidy. No-one wants to read a CV that is squashed together and includes too much information. Your CV should be easy to read and it is advisable to use black text on good quality white or cream paper.
  • Place the important information up-front. Put experience and education achievements in reverse chronological order.
  • Use positive language when describing your work achievements and quote concrete outcomes to support your claims.


  • Hand-write or type your CV. This looks unprofessional and old fashioned.
  • Include information which may be viewed negatively.
  • Lie – we have ways of checking what you put is true, and we may fire you if we take you on and find out you’ve lied to us.
  • Include salary information and expectations. Leave this for negotiation after your interview.
  • Make your CV more than two pages long. Free up space by leaving out information that is less important. For example, you do not need to include referees – just state they are available on request.
  • Use jargon, acronyms, technical terms – unless essential.

Interview tips


An interview is a discussion between you and an employer to find out if you can do the job. It’s your chance to make a good impression. However, there are certain rules you should follow in interviews.

What to do

  • dress smartly, look bright and attentive, and speak clearly and confidently. Don’t forget that in the first few minutes only 7% of the interviewer’s opinion of you is formed by what you say – the rest is judged on how you look, act and sound
  • find out where the venue is beforehand, how to get there and how long it takes
  • prepare answers for the main questions – for example, why do you want the job, what are your strengths and weaknesses, what are the main tasks in this job?
  • quote real examples of when you’ve used certain skills – just saying you’ve got a skill isn’t enough
  • take your time when answering the questions: make sure you understand the question and take your time if you need to think
  • sell yourself: no one else is going to! Be positive about yourself and your experiences
  • prepare some questions to ask at the end of the interview – use it as an opportunity to find out more about the role and the company.
  • turn off your mobile phone: treat the interviewers with respect and give them your undivided attention

 What not to do

  • don’t be late
  • don’t swear or use slang words
  • don’t slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested
  • don’t smoke
  • don’t lie: the interviewer may see through you. Even if you get the job, we can dismiss you if they find out that you have not been honest
  • don’t be arrogant and assume you’ve got the job. Nothing turns us off more than someone who is disrespectful and over-confident
  • don’t discuss controversial topics such as religion, politics and gender relations
  • don’t read from notes or your CV — you should be familiar enough with your own history to be able to talk about it unprompted
  • don’t criticize former employers or colleagues. Our interviewers may mark you down as a troublemaker and a gossip